When it comes to fundraising, local governments and NGOs are generally willing to provide financial support for local sports clubs and associations. Their funding activities often have emotional reasons as they feel some kind of regional solidarity towards their local sports teams. Funding programs from government and non-government sources can help promote your region and its culture, encourage a healthy lifestyle and improve life quality in your region.
hat it needs to achieve all these positive side effects is the usage of effective promotion mechanisms that ensure efficient cooperation between local governments, NGOs and sports organisations. It also requires the implementation of high standards and guidelines for managing funded sports projects as well as the application of control mechanisms that demonstrate both inhabitants and local authorities in a transparent way that funding reaches those sports organisations and projects that really need it.
At SV Sportmarketing, we are keen to provide comprehensive advice and assistance to local governments and NGOs who want to cooperate with sports clubs and associations. As part of our portfolio, we develop marketing strategies to promote your region and create customer-specific solutions that guarantee a mutually beneficial cooperation between local authorities, NGOs and sports clubs. We also offer a wide range of project management tools for financial monitoring and control. Our services are complemented by trainings and workshops for local government representatives who aim to achieve the full potential of sporting initiatives and events in their region.